Slice of Ireland

Happenings from Ireland. We're more than just a rip off Republic....

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Groceries Order - will it make a difference?

It seems that the Michael Martin is going to advise the abolition of the Groceries order this morning according to RTE News.

Within the related Morning Ireland interviews, it was mentioned that the average joe could expect to save between €500 to €1000 per annum. Not bad. There was a quick refute in here that the decision was down to Eddie Hobbs and his summertime Rip Off Republic.

Personally, I hate to think that it takes a campaign from a media personality (Jamie's School Dinners started this) to get asses in gear in Government? I understand that with things like fund raising, charities, etc a figurehead is hugely important. The difference here though is that now the vast majority of the population has the opportunity to voice their concerns and grievances using the web as a pretty effective mouthpiece.

c'mon people of Ireland - you have an election only 2 years away - show our public representatives that we care enough about things; complaining is not way to do it, but we Irish are pretty good at it....

I will assemble some examples over the next few days of moving from beeing a complainant to being a bit more civic minded.....


At 2:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Can we kidnap a politican then?

Seiously glad to see an Irish blog keep up the good work!


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